When opening a trading account with a forex broker, every trader is required to verify their account to comply with Anti Money Laundering regulation.

You need these documents to verify your trading account.

Proof of Legal Identity: Government-issued ID, Driver’s License, Passport, etc.

Proof of Address: Government-issued residential registration, reoccurring statements to the address – Water bill, Electricity bill, Tax bill, Tax clearance certificate, and Bank statements.

Note that your proof of address must include your actual address – plot number, street, house number.

It is hard to get documents with an address if you are renting.

But, here is a hack, go to your bank and request a bank statement, ask them to add the residential address you used when opening the bank account to the bank statement.

That is the simplest way to get a document with proof of address if you don’t own a house.

If that is not simple for you, ForexTime (FXTM) – allows you to use a third party’s address to verify your account.